
Raising Awareness One Day at a Time


The Faith Thomas Foundation mission (FTF) is to raise awareness about Sickle Cell Disease and provide aid to individuals living with this disease.  We understand the inconveniences and hardship that sickle cell disease can have on you and your family. The Faith Thomas Foundation is delighted to assist with your transportation needs, while seeking treatment.  This service is only meant to lighten the burden of your financial cost associated with transportation.  This service is only provided to individuals living with sickle cell disease.  Transportation services provided, gas card or Yellow Cab.   

The FTF Transportation Services is designed to help fill the gaps that sometime accrue with Insurances and Medicaid regarding transportation. Due to HIPAA Laws any transportation request made will be forward to  The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital, Social Worker of The Adult Comprehensive SCD Program (OSUCC -  James).  An application will need to be completed, and the social worker will review and determine eligibility and arrange transportation.

If you have any questions, please contact The Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital/Social Worker of The Adult Comprehensive SCD Program at 614-814-5054.

You can also contact Felice Thomas at or call 614-746-5367.